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Canada Pension Plan

A contributory, earnings-related social insurance program that is paid by the federal government. It provides a measure of income to contributors and their families upon retirement, disability, and death. For further details, contact Service Canada.

WTW case management system within eePoint.

WTW secure website used to send/receive reports and other confidential member-related data. For more information, refer to Pension Administration System (eepoint) and Data Exchange Tools.

Login to DataLink

WTW Pension Administration System.  For more information, refer to Pension Administration System (eepoint) and Data Exchange Tools.

Login to eepoint

Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario 

An independent regulatory agency whose role is to ensure pension plans meet the legal standard in the Pension Benefits Act (PBA). Their objective is to improve consumer and pension plan beneficiary protections in Ontario. 

Income Tax Act 

A federally legislated act with underlying regulations that outline, among other things, the maximum limits for registered pension plans. The Income Tax Act allows employees and employers to deduct pension contributions from their respective income for tax purposes and sets standards for the benefits a pension plan can provide. It is regulated by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) 

Data files that contain employee/member data required to administer pension benefits that are sent bi-weekly from each participating employer to WTW via:

  • I1 Data File – transmits Demographic & HR/Employment data on a bi-weekly I1 schedule  
  • I2 Data File – transmits Contribution & Payroll data on a bi-weekly I2 schedule 


Refer to Reporting Data through the I1 & I2 Data Interfaces for more information

Jointly Sponsored Pension Plan 

A pension plan in which decision making and funding of the benefits is shared jointly by both employees and the sponsor/employer. It’s a pension plan where there is a partnership in the governance of the plan. The Plan is a JSPP 

Self-service website for active, deferred and retired members to access pension-related information and transactions.

Login to My Pension Resource 

Ontario Compensation Employees Union, CUPE Local 1750 

  • Co-Sponsor of the Plan (with WSIB) 

Pension Adjustment 

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) deemed value of the lifetime pension benefit earned by a member during a calendar year which affects the member’s RRSP contribution room for the following year. Refer to Annual Pension Adjustment Report (I7) for more information.

Participating Employers of the Plan include:

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), Infrastructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA), Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA), Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS), Workplace Safety North (WSN), and the Trustees of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Pension Plan Fund (WISE Trust).

Pension Benefits Act (Ontario) 

Provincial pension legislation enforced by FSRA, which regulates pension plans in Ontario and determines minimum standards for eligibility, funding, and benefits for Ontario-registered pension plans. 

The base salary received by an employee for their employment position while a member of the Plan.

Refer to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for specific Pensionable Earnings inclusion and exclusions.

Note: Contributions must be deducted from Pensionable Earnings in accordance with the Contribution Rate Schedule. 

Represents the total years, months and days of service during which the employee, or the employer on behalf of the employee, contributes to the Plan or Supplementary Plan and can include service during which an employee is receiving short-term, or long-term disability benefits, or while in receipt of benefits from a claim filed under the WSIA (WSIB claim benefit). 

Note: Pensionable Service is derived from member employment statuses provided by Participating Employers via the I1 Data File and required contributions amounts deducted and provided via the I2 Data File.

Pensionable service can also be purchased by members for periods of temporary employment and certain leaves of absences, or transferred in by members from another pension plan. 

Secure File Transfer Protocol 

  • Transmission method by which I1 and I2 Data Files are sent from Participating Employers to WTW. 

Safe Workplace Associations

Infrastructure Health & Safety Association (IHSA) 

Public Services Health & Safety Association (PSHSA) 

Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 

Workplace Safety North (WSN) 

WSIB Employees’ Supplementary Pension Plan (ESPP) 

  • A “top-up” retirement compensation arrangement that provides employees of the WSIB and SWA a pension benefit in excess of the maximum pension benefit permitted under the Plan and the ITA; the Plan and the Supplementary Plan (the “plans”) operate together to provide the same retirement benefit that the employee would have received if the ITA limits did not exist.  
  • Sponsored and administered solely by WSIB. 
  • Refer to Supplementary Plan for more information. 

WSIB Employees’ Pension Plan (often referred to as the “WISE Trust Plan” or the “EPP”) 

  • A contributory defined-benefit pension plan registered and regulated under the Ontario Pension Benefits Act (“PBA”) and the federal Income Tax Act (“ITA”). 
  • Jointly sponsored by the WSIB and OCEU and administered by WISE Trust. 
  • Refer to the Plan for more information. 

Workplace Safety & Insurance Board 

  • Co-Sponsor (with OCEU) and Participating Employer of the Plan. 
  • Sponsor and administrator of the Supplementary Plan

Workplace Insurance and Safety Employee Trust 

  • The Trustees of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Employees’ Pension Plan (Board of Trustees). 
  • Legal Administrator of the Plan. 

Pension contact centre for employees and members of the Plan and Supplementary Plan:

By Phone:

Call toll free: 1-855-242-1526

Outside of North America: 678-932-4144

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST

By mail:

130 King Street West

Suite 1500, P.O. Box 424
Toronto, ON M5X 1E3

Online via My Pension Resource: 

Login to My Pension Resource

Willis Towers Watson  

Reporting Data through the I1 & I2 Data Interfaces

This page provides you with information on the data required to administer the pension plans. It describes key data that must be reported for pension purposes and the requirements for reporting. Each participating employer is responsible for the accuracy of the employee data sent.

Reporting Changes

Employee data must be reported to the WTW Admin Team via the data interface files in accordance with the I1 & I2 Data Interface Requirements specifications and the Annual WTW Consolidated Processing Calendar (Interface Run Schedule).

The data interface files operate on a biweekly basis:

    • The I1 and I2 data files for each participating employer are processed at the same time and must be received by WTW according to the deadline specified in the Schedule
    • A late data interface file submission will result in re-work to process the file separately from the other participating employer’s files and, therefore, is subject to out-of-scope fees that will be passed on to the participating employer who submits late data interface files

Any changes or corrections to an employee’s data record including data sent on the files should be made “at source” in your HR system and/or Payroll system, and flow through to the WTW eePoint pension system via the biweekly data interface files. Your HR/Payroll system(s) and the eePoint pension system must be in sync at all times.

If a discrepancy is discovered when reviewing a member’s data record in eePoint, open a ‘Case’ in eePoint and provide details on what is to be updated/corrected.

WTW may open a ‘Case’ from their end and assign it to you for additional details/direction.  A ‘Case’ notification email will be sent to your shared email inbox that will require action.

For information on how to create and respond to a ‘Case’ in eePoint, go to Training Resources.

For questions related to reporting pensionable earnings, contributions, and leaves of absence including Short-Term Disability (STD) and Long-Term Disability (LTD), refer to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).


I1 and I2 data interface files must be received by WTW in accordance with the Annual WTW Consolidated Processing Calendar. Late interface files are subject to out-of-scope fees that will be charged to participating employers who do not transmit files by the deadline.


For any “off-cycle" or "special” I1 and I2 data interface files that require processing, you must notify WTW and WISE Trust immediately! WTW will not know to pick up and process the file unless they receive your notification.

I1 Demographic & HR Data Interface (I1)

The information reported on the I1 provides member data required for WTW to communicate with members, complete required pension transactions and calculations and pay pension benefits to members.

The I1 reports “changes only” (i.e., it is not a “full file” of all employee records) which means it captures updates made on your HR/Payroll system since the last I1 file was generated and sends these updates directly to eePoint via SFTP on a biweekly basis as per the Annual WTW Consolidated Processing Calendar (Interface Run Schedule).

The following I1 data files are transmitted on a biweekly basis:



1.   Demographic Data file

  • Changes to personal information



2.   Service History Data file

  • Changes to work hours
    e.g. full-time vs. part-time
  • Changes to employee status
    e.g. permanent vs. temporary
  • Changes to work status
    e.g. active vs. leave

3.   Pay Rate Data file

  • Changes to salary rate

4.   Credits Data file (WSIB only)

  • Credit balance information

5.   Absences Date file

  • Tracking of Unpaid Hours

6.   Multi file (WSIB only)

  • Absences that may occur on the same day using different absence codes

Note: Files contain “changes only” but the record passed MUST be the full record. For example, if there is only an address change to an employee’s record, the full employee record is passed (with all information in the relevant data file noted above, not just the address change).

Note: The files listed above will transmit even if no changes have been made from one run date to another.  The file(s) will transmit as a blank file.

SWA Employers who use the ADP-WFN system

When the files listed above are generated, an “ADP Exception Report” will be sent to you for action, 24 hours prior to the WTW deadline to receive the files (refer to the Annual WTW Consolidated Processing Calendar – Interface Run Schedule). The ADP Exception Report confirms that the file transmission was successful and lists failed/dropped records with:

  • Missing mandatory data fields (e.g. missing Pension ID, work email, SIN, salary rate, phone number, business unit, etc.)
  • No Pension Membership Date if Worker Category is full-time or part-time (but not if Contract or Temporary)
  • No FTE change date (in custom fields area) if a change is made to Worker Category
  • No Standard Hours captured for part-time employees (not paid)
    • This field on the Service History Data file is driven off hours paid through payroll for part-time employees

You must:

  • monitor to ensure you receive the “Successful Transmission Confirmation Email” and “ADP Exception Report” as of the expected date as indicated in the Annual WTW Consolidated Processing Calendar – Interface Run Schedule
  • review the ADP Exception Report and action as required (contact ADP immediately for assistance to correct file issues, and ensure any missing data is updated in your HR/Payroll systems)

Please refer to the documentation provided by ADP to each employer for details on the ADP Exception Report/Files.


  • Do not introduce any new codes (i.e., action-reason codes) into your HR/Payroll system(s).
  • If there is a business need to do so, contact WISE Trust prior to implementing the new code(s) in your system.
    • New codes in your HR/Payroll system(s) need to be mapped into the WTW eePoint pension system to be accepted during the I1 and I2 data load process. Employee records with an un-mapped code will be rejected.
    • Any re-work caused by un-mapped codes may be subject to out-of-scope fees charged to the participating employer who fails to notify WISE Trust/WTW in advance.

I1 Data Validation Reports

Once the WTW Admin Team receives and processes your I1 data file, a total of (8) Data Validation Reports will be generated and sent to you, via DataLink, for action.

Download the reports from DataLink upon receiving notification sent to your team email inbox:

  • review the reports and messages
  • login to eePoint to view the data for your members and ensure it has passed correctly
  • action/update your HR/Payroll “source system” as required
  • insert or update a column with your comments, then repost to DataLink upon the completion of your review (ensure to rename the file before reposting to DataLink)

1.   Interface File Validation Details Report


  • Listing of validation errors such as values out of range, fields not defined, missing data, and invalid codes resulting in employee data records not being loaded to the pension system
  • You will need to review the WTW messages/questions and provide a response as to any confirmation or action required including confirmation that you have updated your source system as necessary
2.   New Hire Report
  • Listing of all new hires, rehires, and SIN change validations
  • You will need to review and validate any information on the records WTW is questioning and flag any incorrect information
3.   Rejected Report
  • Lists records not processed by eePoint
  • You will need to review, validate and confirm the information for the records WTW is questioning
4.   Significant Changes Report
  • Lists atypical changes
  • You will need to review to confirm the changes are valid and validate any information on the records WTW is questioning relating to changes in name, date of birth and plan eligibility date (Plan_Elect_Dt)
5.   Retroactive Changes Report
  • List of all changes with retroactive dates which will require intervention in eePoint by the WTW Admin Team
  • You will need to validate the information on the records WTW is questioning
6.   Termination Report
  • List of Terminations used by WTW to create and send Termination Options Forms to members who have terminated employment during the reporting cycle (or Retirement Options if retirement eligible and have not yet been issued their options through the Retirement Initiation process – refer to Retiring a Member for retirement initiation process information).
  • You will need to review and validate any information on the record(s) WTW is questioning and flag any incorrect information
  • You will be asked to confirm the reason for termination as either voluntary, involuntary without cause, or involuntary with cause to ensure the Plan is administered in accordance with the Employment Standards Act (“ESA”). For a description of these reasons, refer to Terminating a Member
  • You will also need to confirm that the “ESA Notice Period End Date on the Termination Report is correct and represents the end of the ESA termination notice period where payment of the notice period has been paid as a lump sum and contributions have been deducted accordingly
      • the WTW Admin Team will manually change the effective date of the member’s ‘Terminated’ Service History record to this date to reflect the termination date for pension benefit calculation purposes
      • Note: the ESA Termination Notice period paid as “salary continuance” should automatically be included for pension purposes where the appropriate ESA termination action reason code is used (where the Termination Date is set to the ESA Notice Period End Date)

7.   Pension History, Service History, Pay Rate History Report


  • Large report summarizing all the records that were sent across the interface files.
  • Scan the report and flag any unusual information you see (i.e. New Hire row has come across for someone who is not a new hire, change in Scheduled Hours, etc.)
  • This report does not require a detailed review. It is a summary of all changes made to the Service History, Pension History and/or Pay Rate history records for all members passed on the files. It serves as a good audit trail of updates made to the eePoint tables during each run.
8.   Load Summary Report
  • No action is required on this report – provided for your information/records.

You will need to review and respond, confirming the information requested on the Data Validation Reports, to the WTW Admin Team within five (5) business days as indicated in the Annual WTW Consolidated Processing Calendar.

WTW must receive your responses within the stated deadline to ensure the eePoint pension system has the most up-to-date and accurate information.

If there is no response required or confirmation to provide, please respond to WTW’s interface emails (cc WISE Trust) with a statement confirming that you have reviewed the data validation files and confirm no response or action is required.

I1 Data Validation Reports Training

For detailed instructions on how to review and provide feedback to the I1 data validation reports and other related information, refer to Training Resources.

Refer to Enrolling a Member for the process and other reports related to enrollment.


Incorrect data passed from the Employer to WTW must be corrected on the Employer’s source HR/Payroll system and flow through to the WTW eePoint pension system on the next reporting cycle via the data interface. Requests to manually correct data on the WTW eePoint pension system may be subject to out-of-scope fees charged to the Participating Employer making the request. Contract WISE Trust for any questions.

I2 Payroll & Contribution Data Interface (I2)

Your payroll system transmits the I2 data directly to eePoint via SFTP on a biweekly basis as per the Annual WTW Consolidated Processing Calendar (Interface Run Schedule). The I2 provides payroll data that includes:

  • pension contributions deducted from each member for the Plan and/or Supplementary Plan, and
  • non-pensionable and pensionable earnings and hours worked for all employees that received pay during the pay cycle, where
  • records on the file are always full records (e.g. all information is passed on an individual record).

Special contribution calculations/processes apply for:

I2 Data Validation Reports

Once the WTW Admin Team processes the I2 data file, a series of “Data Validation Reports” will be generated and sent to you, via DataLink, for action. Similar to the I1 data validation reports, download the reports from DataLink upon receiving notification sent to your team email inbox, review the reports and messages, action/update your HR/Payroll “source system” as required, insert or update the column with your confirmation on action taken/required, then repost to DataLink upon the completion of your review (ensure to rename the file before reposting to DataLink).
Interface File Validation Details Report  
  • Listing of validation errors such as values out of range, fields not defined and missing data, and invalid codes which may result in employee data not being loaded to the pension system
  • You will need to review the WTW messages/ questions and provide a response as to any confirmation or action required including confirmation that you have updated your source system as necessary 
Rejected Report
  • Records not processed by eePoint.
  • You will need to review, validate and confirm the information on the records WTW is questioning
Contribution Discrepancy Report
  • Listing of records where member contributions deducted are not consistent with the contribution provisions of the Plan and/or the Supplementary Plan based on the data received by WTW
  • Work internally, and with the WTW Admin Team and WISE Trust as required, to resolve any discrepancies
  • Update/adjust your source HR/Payroll system data as required for corrections to flow back to the WTW Admin Team via the I1 and/or the I2 files
  • For corrections required in eePoint, provide the necessary updates on the “Contribution Discrepancy Report” and send the report back to the WTW Admin Team (cc WISE Trust) via DataLink
  • For additional information on reasons for discrepancies and how to correct them, refer to I2 Data Validation Reports Training Resources
Audit Controls
  • No action required.  Provided for your information/records
Important - Timing to respond

You will need to review and respond to confirm the information requested on the I2 Data Validation Reports to the WTW Admin Team within five (5) business days as indicated in the Annual WTW Consolidated Processing Calendar. (Interface Response Deadlines).

WTW must receive your responses within the stated deadline to ensure the eePoint pension system has the most up-to-date and accurate information.

If there is no response required or confirmation to provide, please respond to WTW’s interface emails (cc WISE Trust) with a statement confirming that you have reviewed the data validation files and confirm no response or action is required.

I2 Data Validation Reports Training

For detailed instructions on how to review and provide feedback to the I2 data validation reports and other related information and training, refer to Training Resources.


  • Incorrect data passed from the Employer to WTW must be corrected on the Employer’s source HR/Payroll system and flow through to the WTW eePoint pension system on the next reporting cycle via the I1 and/or I2 data interface(s).
  • Requests to manually correct data on the WTW eePoint pension system may be subject to out-of-scope fees charged to the Participating Employer making the request. Contact WISE Trust for any questions.

Employer updates

Employer plan announcements
2023 Member Contribution Rate Increase
2023 Contribution Rate schedule for WISE Trust members and participating employers.
Employer plan announcements
2022 Member Contribution Rates
Effective July 1, 2022, member pension contribution rates will increase by 0.6% of pensionable earnings. Employer normal cost contribution rate ...
Employer plan announcements
Contribution Rate Changes
The conversion valuation report as at July 1, 2020 for the WSIB Employees’ Pension Plan (the Plan) was filed in ...
Employer plan announcements
The WISE Trust Pension Contact Centre is member’s one-stop-shop
The best way to help members get their questions answered is direct them to the WISE Trust Pension Contact Centre. ...